高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课时巩固 新人教版选修8 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 课时巩固 新人教版选修8更新完毕开始阅读fbcb92f067ce0508763231126edb6f1aff0071a8

【走向高考】(四川专用)2016届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Meeting

your ancestors 课时巩固 新人教版选修8


1.We should __________ (analysis) the problem so that we can solve it.

2.The river forms the __________ (divide) between the old and new parts of the city. 3.My desk isn't always this __________ (mess)—I've been working on a major project these days and I haven't had time to clear up.

4.He got __________ (arrest) for murdering his neighbour.

5.The project was predicated on the __________ (assume) that the economy was expanding. 6.At night, the temperature would drop __________ (sharpen).

答案:1.analyse 2.division 3.messy 4.arrested 5.assumption 6.sharply Ⅱ.完成句子

1.Whenever we are in trouble, we must________ ________(向前看)and encourage ourselves. 2.This job is open to all,________ ________(不管)previous experience.

3.The history of this country can________ ________ ______/________ ________(追溯到)the Stone Age.

4.________ ________(要是……就好了)we could have a day off tomorrow. 5.________ ________(假定)the task is finished, where can we have a holiday? 答案:1.look ahead 2.regardless of 3.date back to/date from 4.If only 5.Assuming that Ⅲ.话题写作


1.假如一个人知道学习的重要性,他就会有充足的学习时间。 2.李华是高三学生,他心想“要是我现在是大学生该多好啊!” 3.为了将来,他除了为即将到来的高考做准备别无选择。



答案:Assuming that one knows the significance of study, he will have ample time to study. Li Hua, a student of Senior Three, often says to himself. “If only I were a college student!” However, looking ahead, he has no alternative but to prepare for the coming college entrance examination. Fed up with doing lots of exercises every day, he has to accelerate his revision, regardless of difficulties. His parents never interrupt his learning and they often give him encouragement and applause.