跨文化交际英语思考题目 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章跨文化交际英语思考题目更新完毕开始阅读fbe3216b58fafab068dc0207

2. The bill in most restaurants in the US includes a service charge.

3. In the US, shopping for groceries is usually done by going to a supermarket once

a week.

4. Most Americans do their own housework.

5. In American cities, people who walk their dogs in public are required to clean up

after them.

6. It is polite to ask Americans questions about their salary.

7. When invited to a birthday party in the US, you are expected to give a gift of


8. In the US, saying ―Thank you ‖is a common way of reacting to a compliment. 9. The cost of university tuition is so expensive in the US that only the very rich can

afford it.

10. In families, it is often the mother who does most the food shopping.