新版人教版PEP六年级英语下册Unit4-Then-and-now教案 联系客服

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教师边说:go cycling边模仿骑车的动作,骑到某个学生面前模拟将自行车交给这位学生,这位学生接过自行车后接着模仿骑车的动作说:go cycling,依次类推,全班接力说词组。游戏结束,教师板书:go cycling,全班边模拟骑车的动作边读词组。 2.教学单词badminton

教师出示羽毛球拍问学生:Do you like badminton? Can you play badminton?教师板书:badminton,play badminton,教师先分音节带读单词,然后引导全班齐读单词,再比一比谁最快记住这个单词。教师边挥动羽毛球拍边说:play badminton,然后教师将球拍交给学生,让学生也边挥拍边说词组。 3.教学单词ice-skate

教师出示冰鞋的图片问:Can you ice-skate?学生回答:Yes,I can.(No,I can' t.)教师板书:ice-skate,用升降调带读单词,全班拼读记忆单词ice-skate。

4.教学句子I didn't like winter before.I thought it was too cold,and I couldn-t go cycling. 教师提问:Which season do you like best? Why?学生回答后,教师说:I like winter. But I didn't like winter before.I thought it was too cold, and I couldn't go cycling.板书:But I didn't like winter before.I thought it was too cold, and I couldn't go cycling.眚诉学生:thought是think的过去式,could是can的过去式。最后让学生说说这两句话的意思,引导全班齐读句子。

5.教学句子:How about now? Now I love to ice-skate and play in the snow.

教师:I didn-t like winter before. How about now? Guess,please.学生发言后教师说:Now I like winter.I love to ice-skate and play in the snow.教师板书句子:How about now? Now I love to ice-skate and play in the snow.全班齐读句子。 6.教学B.Let -s learn


(2)再次播放B.Let's learn的课文录音,学生边听边跟读。 (2)学生两人一组表演对话。

四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 教学Listen,match and say (1)学生独立观察图片。

(2)教师播放录音,学生听音连线。 (3)全班讲评订正。

(4)请学生根据范例,看图说句子。 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1.听录音,跟读单词。 2.完成活动手册配套练习。



Unit 4 Then and now

go cycling ice-skate play badminton I didn-t like winter before. I thought it was too cold, and I couldn-t go cycling. How about now?

Now I love to ice-skate and play in the snow.



1.能听、说、读、写句子:Before,1 was quiet. Now,I'm very active in class.1 was short,so I couldn-t ride my bike well.Now,I go cycling every day.并能在实际的情境中运用。 2.能听、说、认读单词:different,active。 3.听懂、会说本课中的对话,并能在情境中运用。


1.重点:能听、说、读、写句子:Before,1 was quiet. Now,I-m very active in class.1 was short,so I couldn't ride my bike well. Now,I go cycling every day.并能在实际的情境中运用。 2.难点:掌握different的发音。


1.单词卡片。 2.录音机和磁带。 3.课文挂图和配套VCD。


一、热身(Warm-up) 1.师生问好。

2. Sing the song Changes in me. 二、复习(Revision)

1.Play a game:演一演,猜一猜


2.抽读已学过的运动类单词并拼读:football,basketball,ping-pong,hiking,badminton, ice-skate,

cycling, kungfu…

3.活动:My favorite sport


Sl: Do you like ping-pong? S2:1 liked it three years ago. Sl: How about now?

S2: Now I like playing basketball. It -s very interesting. How about you? iSl:1 liked badminton then, but now I like cycling. 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学单词different

教师出示自己小时候的照片,问:Who's she? Guess, please.学生猜测后,教师说:This is me. At that time, my hair was short and my face was big. I-m different now.l think you are all different now.板书:different,让学生说说它的意思。教师分音节带读单词,最后用“大小声”操练单词。 2.教学单词active和句子Before,1 was quiet. Now, I'm very active in class.

教师提出一个简单的问题,全班踊跃举手时教师表扬:You are all active now.板书:active,让学生说说单词的意思,然后师带读单词。教师提问:Who is active in our class?学生发言后,教师指着其中的一位学生说:Before,A was quiet. Now, she/he-s very active in class. Good girl/boy!然后教师让这位学生来说说自己的变化:Before,1 was quiet. Now, I-m very active in class.教师板书:Before,1 was quiet.Now, I-m very active in class.全班齐读句子。最后请学生模仿这一句型说说自己的 不同。

3.教学句子1 was short, so I couldn-t ride my bike well. Now,I go cycling every day.

教师介绍:I like cycling very much.I go cycling every day. But when l was young,1 was short, so I couldn't ride my bike well.教师板书:1 was short, so I couldn't ride my bike well. Now,I go cycling every day.然后带读句子。最后让学生模仿这一句型说说自己的不同。如: