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题号:21 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 8 Text B, against the background of global warming, the surprising finding about the Antarctic ice sheets is that snow is quickly growing on top of the ice sheets, causing them to become thicker.

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学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:22 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text A, the first big mistake McDowell made when she entered the university was she had taken too much clothing to the campus.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:23 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 8 Text B, the sentence “...it’s removed from global warming” in paragraph 8 means it has something to do with global warming.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:24 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 6 Text A, the passage doesn't mention that the British lost the war against the Americans because of tea.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:25 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text A, the main reason for students to bring a PC to college is they need it for study and daily life.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:26 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text A, McDowell preferred working in her dorm room because it was more comfortable than the lab.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:27 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text A, computers can help McDowell do many things except buying airline tickets in advance.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:28 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text B, at the International Consumer Electronics Show Bill Gates showed a software program.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:29 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 7 Text A, before arriving on campus, McDowell did not have the money to buy her computer.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:30 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 6 Text A, the main idea of the first paragraph is tea was the national drink in England.


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? 2、 对

学员答案:1 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:31 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 6 Text B, while eating, you may be embarrassed if food comes out from your mouth.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:32 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 6 Text B, while dining out with your date, you should be ready to help her.

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1、 错 2、 对

学员答案:2 说明: 本题得分:3

题号:33 题型:判断题 本题分数:3

Based on Unit 9 Text A, you have lost your favorite book could be the cause of stress.

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