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发布时间 : 星期三 文章广东省广州市中考英语试题及标准答案更新完毕开始阅读fc61798eb207e87101f69e3143323968001cf45d


I cannot say enough good things about the Kings Hotel. Till rooms were large, clean and comfortable and the hotel workers were excellent. They were even able to book several sightseeing trips to different parts of the city for us. Next time I come to London I will certainly be staying there again.

Bob smith Manchester, UK: February 2008

The hotel 'a restaurant made the best food I have ever tasted. I am still dreaming about their roast beef and potatoes. I had it for lunch and dinner almost every day I was there. I wanted to have it for breakfast too, but it wasn 't on the breakfast menu.' The restaurant was a little expensive and the waiters were a bit careless but I still think the hotel was great. Rachel Jones New York, USA: December 2007

I just want to tell visitors something about the swimming pool, at the Kings Hotel. When I was there, the water was very dirty, almoshgreen. It really made me feel sick. When my drink fell in the water I asked the worker if I could have another one. After waiting for half an hour he still had not brought me one so I returned to my room.... At least the room was very nice. Michael Palin Sydney, Australia: August 2007

This time last year I was in London for the first time and stayed at this hotel. I found the workers there to be very friendly and helpful. The manager kindly gave me directions to the London Museum and Big Ben and one time he even had a worker take me to the train station entrance. My room was also wonderful and from the window Icould see the Thames River. Ma Li Beijing, China: June 2007 £6 for a cup of coffee in the cafe! £ 3 for a postcard in the gift shop! £ 33 for a T-shirt from the clothes store! I will never be coming back here. That's for certain. Julie Whinger Paris, France: May 2007

61. What do most people agree is very good at the hotel?

A. The workers. B. The rooms. C. The food. D. The price. 62. Why was Mr. Palin unhappy with the hotel?

A. He waited too long for his food. B. His room was small. C. The pool was not clean. D. It had no drinks. 63. Who was most unhappy with the hotel?

A. Ms. Ma. B. Ms. Jones. C. Mr. Smith. D. Ms. Whinger. 64. What do we know about this hotel?

A. It is near the river. B. It is a five-star hotel.

C. The gift shop sells T-shirts. D. Its restaurant serves few dishes. 65. When did Ms.-Ma Li stay at the hotel?

A.June, 2006. B.May, 2007. C.June, 2007. D.June, 2008. 第II卷 (共30分) 五、写作(满分30分)

第一节 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题l分,满分5分)


66. Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give Dad a c_________to tell him the good news.

67. It's quite warm today. You needn't w your jacket, David.

68. Look! How d_________your hands are! Go and wash them right now. 69. Be q , Peter, or we'll miss the last bus to our school. 70. —Can I have a drink?

—Please help y_________. There is some orange juice in the fridge. 第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分)

根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词)。 71.下周大约有500个学生参加运动会。

About 500 students will____________________________the sports meet next week. 72.昨晚我哥哥直到完成作业才从房间出来

Last night my brother___________________out of his room_________he finished doing his homework.


_______________very important for us___________________ each other. 74.妹妹问我是否可以在同家的路上给她买些面包

My sister a§ked me__________________________some bread for her on my way home. 75.这些花必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。

All these flowers _________ every day, or they will die. 第三节 书面表达(满分l5分)


1:你计划要做的事情(图中1~3项内容)及其原因或目的; 2.你准备为来宾安排的l~2项活动。

注意:1.词数80左右(计划的开头已给出,不计入总词数); .


Some UK high school students will come to our school during the summer holidays. To help them, I. ..


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B ll.C 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C

(A)28/twenty-eight (B)some cakes/cakes (C)football (D) sister (E)Market

16.D 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.C

[文章大意]安妮非常兴奋,因为她母亲要来北京看她。她从 收音机得知她妈妈的航班因为下雨晚点两小时,所以她又回 到屋里。等安妮两小时后到机场接母亲时,她已在机场外等 了两个多小时。母亲为了能按时到达,乘坐了更早的航班,也 没打电话告诉她。该按时到的没到,该打电话的没打。他们 只能又累又饿。的回家休息.

26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.D 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.A

[文章大意]数千年前,人类住在洞穴里或在树林里宿营,男人 打猎,女人和孩子采集野果。所有的食物会在族群内共享。 每过几周就会迁徙到另一个食物更多的地方。为了生存,他 们必须学着更聪明,要制作自己需要的东西,要知道许多关于 动植物的知识。现在人们大多数住在城镇,生活变简单了却 也更平淡了。有些人为了寻求刺激而去探险和登山。大多数 人在假期里去体验一种不一样的生活。他们也会宿营,但他 们的装备和必需品使得宿营和数千年前相比要舒服许多。

36.A 37.B 38.C 39.D 40.C 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.B 45.C

[文章大意]一个工人在工作第一天就麻烦不断。令我吃惊的 是他还请我去他家,在进家门之前他将工作的不快和烦恼都 挂在“烦恼树”上,用微笑与热情面对家人。 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.B 50.D

[文章大意]据报道,每一个梦都为一个目的服务。至于做梦 的原因,科学家的观点各异。我们常会做这样几种梦:不断重 复的梦——数月乃至数年内不断重复,直到某一件事的结束 而终止;噩梦——梦中的场景让做梦者感到恐惧;白日梦—— 遇到自己不感兴趣的人或事;不愿醒的梦——意识到在做梦 却不愿醒来,沉醉其中。 51.A 52.A 53.C 54.B 55.C

[文章大意]郑和被称为东方哥伦布,是一位具有传奇色彩的 人物。文章介绍了郑和的传奇一生。

56.B 57.C 58.B 59.D 60.D

[文章大意]本文以网页的形式,呈现了顾客对KINGS HO— TEL的意见反馈,包括房间,食物,游泳池,购物价位等方面。、 61.B 62.C 63.D 64.A 65.A 67.wear 68.dirty 69.quick 70.yourself

71.take part in 72.didn’t come;until/till 73.It is;to help 74.whether/if I could buy 75.must be watered [写作指导]


2:宏观布局。根据写作要求确定文章整体结构,如 总——分、分——总或总——分——总。文章应分几个板块, 各自的核心内容是什么。这如同是人体的骨骼结构。 3.内部结构。根据布局设计,确定各板块的写作内容,并 根据其相互关系确定如何展开。这如同是人体的肌肉。 4.语言组织。如何开篇,什么样的语句能更好地植人主 题;为了更好地

呈现内容,应采用何种句式,且能避重复;选取 总结性的词句,有力收尾,升华主题。这如同人的皮肤。

One possible version

Some UK high school students will come to our school during the summer holidays. To help them, I think I need to practise my English more so .I can successfully pass on my meaning to our foreign friends. In order to understand the UK students better, I will try to learn about their interests and hobbies. Also, I should learn more about the history, culture and places of interest of Guangzhou so that I can show. them around the city. As Guangzhou is famous for its food, I will take.them to taste the delicious local foods when they come and I will also take them shopping.