江南大学中级口译教程(英汉对照) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江南大学中级口译教程(英汉对照)更新完毕开始阅读fc6ce8f6c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef71335


We consider environmental protection a common task for all people across the world. Thus. China has actively promoted bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation in the field of environmental protection. Significant achievements have been made in environmental planning and management , pollution control and prevention, forest protection. wild animal and . plant protection. as well as in the areas concerning marine environment, climate change, air pollution , acid rain and sewage disposal, etc.


Briefly , here are the things that we have been doing to protect our environment: Choosing a 'sustainable development strategy for implementation; improving the legal and administrative systems in step-by-step manner; preventing and controlling industrial pollution and comprehensively working on the improvement of the urban environment; carrying out territorial control and rural environmental protection on a large scale; protecting ecological environment , protecting vegetation , returning cultivated land to forests or pastures , and closing off hi1lsides to facilitate afforestation; accelerating the development of environmental science and technology; popularizing environmental protection knowledge among the people and raising their awareness of environmental ethics and code of conduct; and finally taking vigorous action to promote international cooperation in environmental protection.

工业污染防治是中 国环境保护工作的重点。我们通过调整产业、产品结构,通过结合技术改造推行清洁生产,完成了一大批污染治理项目 。 在治理工业污染的同时,政府加强了生态农业建设.把发展生态农业列为实现环境与经济协调发展的重大对策。生态农业建设使犯监生态环境得到了明显改善,荒山荒坡得到了治理,森林覆盖率得到了大幅度提高,水土流失也有所控制 。

Prevention and control of industrial pollution is a priority , concern in China's

environmental protection efforts. We have completed a great number of pollution-control projects through the readjustment of the industrial structure and product mix , and promoted clean production through technical transformation. While addressing industrial pollution , China has promoted the development of eco-agriculture. The government has taken the development of eco-agriculture as an important means to realize the


coordinated development of the environment and the economy. The practice of eco-agriculture has brought about striking improvements in the agricultural ecological environment - barren hi1ls greened , forest acreage greatly raised , soil erosion controlled to some extent.

众所周知,对生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环保工作的重点.经过长期努力,我国的生态环保和建设取得了较大的成就。 我国野生动植物物种丰富,仅脊椎动物就有 6000 多种左右,高等植物3 万多种.为加快物种保护事业的发展 , 国家实施了\全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程'气自然保护区的建立,使一批具有代表性、典型性、科学研究价值的自然生态系统和珍稀濒危物种得到了有效保护. 另外,全国还建立了野生动物拯救繁育基地 250 余处,野生植物基因保存中心 400 余处。我们欣慰地看到, 200 多种珍稀濒危的野生动物和 1000 多种野生植物在人工照料下保持了稳定的种群,有的已成功回归大自然.

It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work. Through protracted efforts China has made great achievements in the protection and nurturing of the ecological environment. China is rich in wildlife species. There are about 6,000 vertebrates alone and 30 ,000 species of higher plants. In order to accelerate the development of the conservation undertaking, the government implemented \Development Program\representative and typical natural eco-systems with research value as well as rare and endangered species under effective protection. Moreover, we have established over 250 wild fauna rescue and breeding bases and 400 genetic reserves for wild flora. We are relieved by the fact that stable populations for 200 rare ' and endangered species of wild fauna and 1, OOO-odd rare and endangered species of wild flora are maintained under human watch. Some of the endangered species have been successfully reintroduced to nature.


As a member of the international community, China, while making great efforts to protect its own environment, has taken an active part in international environmental protection affairs to promote international cooperation in environmental protection, and earnestly fulfilled its international obligations. All these efforts have fully demonstrated the sincerity and determination of the Chinese government and people to protect the global environment.



Ladies and gentlemen, humankind still faces a great many difficulties in solving the problems of the environment protection and development. There is a grand task to perform and a long way to go. China wil1, as it did in the past, work with other countries and strive for the protection of the environment for human survival , for the happiness and prosperity of humanity, and for the benefits of our children.

2-3宴会招待 ...................................................................................................................................... 1 3-4文化差异 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 4-3经营之道 ...................................................................................................................................... 6 5-4新的长征 ...................................................................................................................................... 9 6-1 新春联欢 ( Celebrating the Spring Festival ) ............................................................................. 12 16-4用筷技艺 .................................................................................................................................. 13 8—2传统节日(汉译英) ...................................................................................................................... 16 12-3书法艺术 .................................................................................................................................. 19 9-3 大学精神 The University Spirit ......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 专利法规(英译中) .............................................................................................................................. 22 环境保护(汉译英) ......................................................................................................................... 24