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A. information B. an information C. the information D. informations

19. ________more than one hundred elements are known to us ,only twenty-five of them are

common and important.

A. if B. although C. because D. since

20. It would be better to mail of application to her advertiser _____to call him or her directly. A. as well B. or else C. rather D. so as

21. The laboratory technician often warns the trainees that they can‘t be ______careful in doing the


A. much B. most C. so D. too

22. If you drive a good deal, consider ______ redial tires. A. use B. used C. using D. to use

23. However_______, they failed to explain the situation clearly to the other party.

A. use B. used C. using D. to use

24. It is not the tools that a scientist uses but how he uses them ____makes him a scientists. A. that B. what C. which D. who

25. Look at the cloudy gray morning sky, the mountain climbers decided to put off the plan

_______the next weekend.

A. at B. in C. on D. until Section B

Direction: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper

form of the word given in the brackets .Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

26. It‘s very (thought)_____and very kind of you offer me a job in your company .

27.There is always the (possible)______of an earthquake in this region ,but so far there has been no

sign of trouble.

28. The manger demands that the new secretary (have)_______ a thorough knowledge of the


29. The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants (grow)____. 30. That was (apparent)_____a careless mistake caused by the operator.

31. The purpose of training (qualify)______teachers for those mountain areas is worthy of praise. 32. Weather (permit) ______,the spaceship will be launched tomorrow evening.

33. (not publish) ______enough articles, Mr. Smith was refused promotion in his academic title. 34. But for help, (not be )_______able to find the right solution to the problem so soon.

35. Many of the experiments described in this book are (ease)____to perform than you would


Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are five tasks for you to fulfill. You

should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements,

numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A,


B, C, or D. You are required to make the correct choice

First impressions are often lasting ones .indeed ,if you play your cards right ,you can enjoy the benefits of what is called ―halo(光环)effect‖. This means that if you are viewed positively within the critical first four minutes, the person you have met will likely assume everything you do is positive.

Four minutes! Studies tell us that‘s the critical period in which impressions are formed by someone we‘ve just met. People tend to focus on what they see (dress, eye contact, movement), on what they hear (how fast or slowly we talk, our voice, tone and volume), and on our actual words.

Most employers believe that those who as if they care about themselves are more likely to care about their jobs. We know ―It‘s what‘s inside that counts,‖ but research shows that physically attractive people are generally perceived by employ as more intelligent, likable and believable.

Here ?s how to make those critical four minutes count:

First, look your best. It signals success. Students have linked clothing consciousness to high self-respect and job satisfaction.

Second, monitor your mean. Yo9ur goal is to show confidence and be believed. Hold that favorable first impression by making your words consistent with your body language and appearance.

Finally, there is a matter of how you speak. Any professional voice coach will tell you that you can learn to sound more relaxed, more assertive and more confident.

36. If you want to benefit from the so-called ―halo-effect‖, you have to learn how to _______?

A. create a lasting impression C. make the first impression right

B. act as if you were playing cards D. be critical within the first four minutes 37. When people meet you for the first time, they will_________.

A. notice all your behaviours C. try to avoid eye-contact with you B. listen to you patiently D. act as friendly as possible 38. What kind of person is likely to be accepted by the employer?

A. One who is physically excellent. C. One who is fairly modest. B. One who is capable of talking. D. One who cares about oneself

39. In the sentence ―It‘s what‘s inside that counts,‖(Line2, Para.3) what does the word ―count‖ mean?

A. The Deepest Impression C. The Attractive Four Minutes B. Be More Confident D. How to Impress Interviewers 40. Which of the following could probably be the title of this passage? A. The Deepest Impression B. Be More confident

C. The Attractive Four Minutes D. How to Impress Interviewers Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered

41 through 45.


A book like this is never the work of a single author or even a small group of authors; rather there are many people and institutions whose contributions need to be acknowledged. In the first place, we wish to thank the many scholars and sales managers who have labored so diligently over the last 20 years to move the study of sales management out of the dark ages and into the


mainstream of marketing thought. We would also like to acknowledge the special contributions of the Marketing Science Institute, which supported much of the recent research, and especially Steve Greyser, and Diane Schmalensee for their willingness to commit MSI‘s energies and resources to the study of sales management before it became a fashionable topic.

Scholars –even those in marketing –are sometimes not very customer –oriented,

particularly when it comes to writing textbhooks. We have made much effort to avoid such a heresy. Consequently, we offer special thanks to the more than 60 professors who responded to our questionnaire about their attitudes toward the previous edition of this book. The information they provided was very helpful in our effort to make the third edition a more useful book for teaching and learning.

We also thank our many students over the years for their comments and suggestions, The book is better because of their insights.

0ur thanks also go to Mr. K. Richard Berlet of TRIAD Consultants Inc., who has been a frequent classroom visitor and has shared many insights with us.

We hope we haven‘t forgotten anyone, and we apologize to those whose suggestions we failed to include. Needless to say, we assume full responsibility for any errors or omissions in this book. 41. It is indicated in the passage that_________.

A. two decades ago few people cared about the study of sales management B. the study of sales management is difficult and demanding

C. the study of sales management is the central part of marketing science D. the Marketing Science Institute that made a study of sales management 42. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Steve Greyser and Diance Schmalensee were founders of marketing science. B. the study of sales management is mainly supported by research institution. C. The authors think that customers‘ needs should be central to sales management. D. Scholars are not interested in writing textbooks on marketing. 43. Before they started revising the book, the authors ____. A. collected large amounts of data.

B. carried out investigation among scholars

C. invited many students to help them revise the book D. consulted both professors and sales manages. 44.Why do the authors make an apology?

A. They may not be able to avoid making mistakes in revising the book. B. They may have omitted some important things in the new edition.

C. They haven‘t mentioned some of the people who contributed to the revision of the book D. They did not accept some of the suggestions for their new edition. 45. Why do the authors make an apology?

A. an advertisement B. a preface C. a contract D. a report Task3

Directions: The following is a piece of news .after reading it ,you are required to complete the

outline below it (no.46through No.50).You should write your answers on the Answer

Sheet correspondingly.

Rising natural rubber prices meant consumers were accepting supplies from sources previously


neglected due to quality preferences, according to German importers.

―Tyre companies have started to consider rubber from new producers,‖ one said,‖ in the past, they never had any problem buy certain origins in time but since the high price period set in last December, this attitude has changed.‖

Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia were respectively the most expensive, in that order, followed by Sri Lanka and the Ivory Coast, he said, naming Nigeria, Gabon, and Vietnam as cheap suppliers. Southeast Asian prices hit new highs this week as strong Western world demands rise with the beginning of the wintering season.

―Consumers were not prepared for the high prices to last and their stocks are not high,‖ another important said.

Marketing flow could change if new suppliers became established, he said.‖ Some of their qualities are very good and prices can be up to 10per cent below Asia‘s.

New problems with natural rubber:

1) price of natural rubber:_____46____

2) stock of tyre companies :_____47____

Advantage of suppliers outside Asia:



Possible solution for buyers:


Task 4

Directions: The following is a COMPUTER MENU(计算机菜单).after reading the menu ,you are

required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below .Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet .numbered 51 through 55.

File Management Commands A— to open (edit/create) a document B— to access the Block and Save Menu C— to exit WINDOWS D— to cancel a command E— to erase a file F— to copy a file G— to rename a file H— to erase a character I— to erase a word J— to erase a line K— to restore text just erased

L— to move cursor one character to the right M—to move curse one word to left N—to move cursor one line up