008-2009春季学期2006计算机数据库技术及应用B(计算机学院090501) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章008-2009春季学期2006计算机数据库技术及应用B(计算机学院090501) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读fc91409953ea551810a6f524ccbff121dc36c577

the party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\he work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ... 2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \o 100 year\dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \out and four \hensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance \construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yngtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. (6) to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the \igers\

院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程 rasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus ongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, 装 2008 —2009 学年第 二 学期数据库技术及应用试卷(B) 9.当两个实体之间的联系是M:N时,所建立的复合实体的主码是( ) A.M端实体的主码 B.M端和N端主码的复合 (院系:计算机科学技术学院 专业:计算机科学技术 年级:2006 考核形式: 开卷 ) C.N端实体的主码 D.重新选取的属性 订 10.在分布式数据库系统中,如果需要按如下方式书写查询语句 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 卷面折合实验平时SELECT * FROM F1 分 分(占 (占 (占 总分 评卷人 WHERE 出生年月=′10/01/79′ 80%) 10%) 10%) UNION 线

分 数 20 10 20 30 20 100 80 10 10 100 SELECT * FROM F2 WHERE 出生年月=′10/01/79′; 得 分 则该系统支持的是( ) A.片段透明性 B.局部映象透明性 C.查询透明性 D.地址透明性 得分 评卷人 一、 选择题(在每个小题四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,11.在下列SQL语句中,能够完成修改表结构的语句是( ) 填在题末括号里)(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,总计20分) A.ALTER B.CREATE C.UPDATE D.INSERT 1.下列功能中,不属于DBMS基本数据操作功能的是( ) 12.在安装MS SQL Server时,系统自动建立几个数据库,其中有一个数据库被删除后,A.排序 B.插入 C.删除 D.查询 不影响系统的正常运行,这个数据库是( ) 2.当关系R和S自然连接时( ) A.tempdb数据库 B.master数据库 A.在新表中,包含R S中所有的行 C.model数据库 D.pubs数据库 B.在新表中,只包含两个关系之间公共属性值相等的行,消除重复列 13.在SQL语言中,涉及空值操作不正确的是( ) C.在新表中,只包含两个关系之间公共属性值相等的行,不消除重复列 A.AGE IS NULL B.AGE IS NOT NULL D.自然连接要求两个关系中相同的分量,不必是相同的属性组 C.AGE=NULL D.NOT(AGE IS NULL) 3.下列短语中可以在SQL查询时去掉重复数据的是( ) 14.在数据库中不存在,而通过某种算法推导出来的属性称为( ) A.ORDER BY B.DESC A.单值属性 B.基本属性 C.组合属性 D.衍生属性 C.GROUP BY D. DISTINCT 15.事务所有的操作必须完成,否则事务将被撤消,这是事务的( ) 4.如果有两个事务T1、T2,其中T1获得了数据项R上的共享锁,则在T1释放R上的锁之前A.串行性 B.原子性 C.隔离性 D.永久性 T2对R( ) 16.在下列实体联系中,属于一对一联系的是( ) A.只能读不能写 B.只能写不能渎 A.机票与座位号之间的联系 B.车间与工人之间的联系 C.既可读又可写 D.不能读也不能写 C.商店与商品之间的联系 D.学生与课程之间的联系 5.MS SQL Server建表的步骤是( ) 17.在MS SQL Server的图形化管理工具中,SQL跟踪器用于( ) A.先建立数据库,再建立表 B.可以直接建立表 A.在系统上监视SQL Server的性能,以图形方式显示一些重要的性能统计数据 C.先建立数据库设备,再建立表 B.启动、停止和暂停SQL Server的过程 D.先建立数据库设备,再建立数据库,然后才能建立表 C.供数据库管理员和应用程序开发人员监测和记录数据库的活动 6 .MS SQL Server提供的3种整型数据类型是( ) D.管理SQL Server的帐号 A.int、smallint和longint B.int、smallint和tinyint 18.对用户访问数据库各种资源的权限加以限定是为了保护数据库的( ) C.int、tinyint和longint D.smallint、tinyint和longint A.完整性 B.安全性 C.并发性 D.一致性 7.在关系数据库中,实现“表中任意两行不能相同”的约束是依据( ) 19. 在客户机/服务器工作模式中,以下哪一项不属于服务器的任务( ) A.外码 B.属性 A.处理对数据库的请求 B.进行数据完整性检查 C.主码 D. 列 C.管理用户界面 D.处理数据恢复 8.在安装MS SQL Server时,必须选择一种安全类型。如果在登录时,需要记录用户名20. 要保证数据库物理数据独立性,需要修改的是( )。 和登录ID,则该安全类型是( ) A.模式 B.模式与内模式的映射 A.网络安全 B.集成安全 C.标准安全 D.混合安全 C.模式与外模式的映射 D.内模式 opardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on \has of\nhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line \e strict three real\nts and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. (1) the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in \hat road\ng of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency %um\em, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, %ues\-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. (2) lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang \both sides people\nd disciplinary make \our wind\clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou cal wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. (3) lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On

on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jepolitithe party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\he work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ... 2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \o 100 year\dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \out and four \hensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance \construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yngtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. (6) to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the \igers\ly\ 院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程 rasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus ongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absol装 得分 评卷人 二、填空题(请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。错填、不填均无3、简述数据库一致性状态的概念。 分。)(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,总计10分) 订 1. 数据管理经过了手工文档、文件系统和_________三个发展阶段。 2.SQL语言中,用于事务回滚的语句是_________。 3.在层次数据库中,交片段和子片段之间只能具有_________类型的联系。 4.封锁对象的大小称为_________。 线

5.如果一个汽车销售公司,经营摩托车,小汽车、货车和客车,那么在该公司的E-R 模型设计中,应该采用_________方法。 6.MS SQL Server提供多个图形化工具,其中用来启动、停止和暂停SQL Server的图形 化工具称为_________。 4、什么是触发器和存储过程,二者的区别是什么? 7.用于表达一个ODBC驱动程序和DBMS特殊连接的命名,被称为_________,它是 数据库驱动程序与数据库系统连接的桥梁。 8.DBMS利用事务日志保存所有数据库事务的_________操作。 9.如果两个实体之间具有M:N联系,则将它们转换为关系模型的结果是_________个 表。 10.在安装MS SQL Server时,必须选择一种安全类型。如果在登录时,需要记录用户 名和登录ID,则该安全类型是_________。 得分 评卷人 三、简答题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题4分,总计20分) 1、简单说明排它锁和它的作用。 5、简述MS SQL Server中“许可”的概念和类型。 2、简要说明事务的原子性。 opardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on \has of\nhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line \e strict three real\nts and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. (1) the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in \hat road\ng of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency %um\em, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, %ues\-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. (2) lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang \both sides people\nd disciplinary make \clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou cal wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. (3) lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On

on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeute loyalty to the party, politithe party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\he work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ... 2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance \

院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程 rasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yngtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. (6) to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the \igers\黑龙江大学2008 -2009 学年第 二 学期考试试卷

装 5. 显示所有职工中的最大年龄(3分) 得分 评卷人 四、T_SQL语句测试题(本大题共 9 小题,第1-8小题每小题3分, 第9小题6分,总计30分) 订 已知一个已经建好的数据库factory,现在该数据库上存在三个表 (1)职工表worker,其结构为 (职工号 int ,姓名 char(8), 性别 bit , 出生日期 datetime, 党员否 bit, 参加工作时间 datetime , 部门号 int ),其中职工号为主键 6. 求出各部门的党员的人数(3分) 线

(2)部门表 department 结构为 ( 部门号 int , 部门名称 varchar(20) ) ,其中 部 门号为主键. 通常的部门信息有人事部,市场部,财务处等等 (3)职工工资表 salary 其结构为 ( 职工号 int ,姓名 char(10) , 日期 datetime , 工资 decimal(10,2) ) . 其中职工号和日期为关键字 现按照如下要求完成各项操作,写出对应的T_SQL语句 1. 写出建立worker表的Create table语句(3分) 7. 显示所有职工的姓名和2004年1月的工资(3分) 2. 向department 表中插入数据( 部门号为10, 部门名称为审计处) 的insert 语句(3 分) 8.修改职工号为102的职工的部门号为104(3分) 9.创建一个为给定职工号,查询职工信息及部门名称的存储过程query_worker(6分) 3. 查询职工的所有基本信息(3分) 4. 显示所有职工的年龄(3分) opardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on \en a has of\scusses, enhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line \e strict three real\nd good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. (1) the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in \lift what flag, and go what road\of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency %um\em, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, %ues\neo-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. (2) lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang \des people\sciplinary make \nd\clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou Yongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, political wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. (3) lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On共 4 页 第 3 页 负责人签字:

on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jethe party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\he work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ... 2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \o 100 year\dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \out and four \hensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance \construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yngtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. (6) to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the \igers\ly\ 院 系 年 级 专 业 姓 名 学 号 考试课程 rasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus ongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absol装 得分 评卷人 五、设计分析题(本答题共1小题,总计20分) 订 设基商业集团数据库中有商店、商品、职工三类实体。其中商店的属性有:商店编号、商店名称、地址;商品的属性有:商品号、商品名、规格、单价;职工的属性有:职工 号、姓名、性别。 每个商店可销售多种商品,每种商品也可放在多个商店销售。 线

每个商店聘用多名职工,每名职工只能在一个商店工作。 根据上面叙述,解答以下问题: (1)设计E—R模型(6分) (2)将E—R模型转换成关系模型,标出每一个关系的主码和外码(如果存在)。(9分) (3) 根据你的理解,请写出开发该管理信息系统的基本过程(5分) opardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on \has of\nhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line \e strict three real\nts and good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. (1) the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in \hat road\ng of fuzzy awareness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency %um\em, root, and guben culture Yuan, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literacy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, %ues\-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, such as erroneous. (2) lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang \both sides people\nd disciplinary make \clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously draw Zhou cal wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. (3) lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. On

on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeute loyalty to the party, politithe party. Focus on honesty and self-discipline standards of \n\he work principle and various violations of party discipline punishment ... 2. series spoke. To XI on ruling acting political XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) XI General Secretary important speech articles selected (leaders reading) and out poverty for basic textbook, in-depth learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech spirit and on Fujian work of series important indicates spirit, understand on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important discusses, understand throughout which of Marx doctrine position views method, Grasp the true faith through the pursuit of, historical sense, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thought. Should pay attention to the overall grasp and master relationship and prevent fragmentation. Address learning series, attention should be paid based on persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to the theme, focuses on understanding comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee on governance of the new concept of new ideas and new strategies. (1) the deep understanding we are carrying out the great struggle of history with many new features that China's development is an important period of strategic opportunities and the same connotation. (2) to grasp a firm system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of confidence, confidence, confidence, winning complete the building of a well-off society and realize \dreams, China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (3) understand the domestic and international situations, coordination of \prehensive\p understanding of innovation, coordination, development of green, open, shared ideas, adapt to new normal, grasp, leading economic development, greater emphasis on advancing the supply side structural reform, to lead the development of new development practices. Vigorous implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, strive to enhance the overall coordination of development to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, form the opening to the new system, focus on the practice of people-centred development. (5) in-depth understand full deepening reform, advance national governance system and governance capacity modern; makes market in resources configuration in the up decisive role and better play Government role; without shake insisted China basic economic system, promoted various ownership economic health development; advance \construction, and Beijing Jin JI collaborative development, and Yngtze River economic with development; full law ruling, construction China features Socialist rule of law system; development Socialist democracy, insisted China features socialist political development road; Fostering and practicing the Socialist core values, enhance cultural values of confidence, self-confidence, building Socialist culture in China set up the overall national security concept, respect the sovereignty of networks, build global Internet governance system adhere to the correct view, building human fates. (6) to grasp the full strictness requirement, and strict adherence to the party's political discipline and rules, loyal, clean, play, strengthen the wind against corruption, adhere to the \igers\

黑龙江大学2008 -2009 学年第 二 学期考试试卷

rasp scientific methods of thinking and working, and view trends, patterns and events to strengthen strategic thinking and dialectical thinking, systems thinking, creative thinking, the bottom line thinking set up problem-oriented, focus on risk, fill the short Board; empty talks jeopardize national interests in mind, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation ... The content, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political construction of the leading group, work style, and capacity-building. 3. the key to solve the problem. Seriously implement XI General Secretary on training created has iron general belief, and iron general faith, and iron general discipline, and iron General play of cadres team requirements, control acquisition General Secretary on \en a has of\scusses, enhanced political consciousness, and overall consciousness, and core consciousness, and par consciousness, in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent, seriously practice line \e strict three real\nd good cadres standard, do heart has party, and heart has people, and heart has accountability, and Heart ring model. (1) the lead firm ideals and beliefs. For in \lift what flag, and go wdraw Zhou Yongkang, and Bo, and Xu caihou, and Guo boxiong, and makes plans and I province Su, and Xu gang, disciplinary illegal case of deep lessons, know fear, and Ming bottom line, and keep rules, Keep the political character of absolute loyalty to the party, political wise men, determined to uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee, maintaining the solidarity and unity of the party. (3) lead to set up the new development philosophy. For those not adapted, and not for even against new development concept of awareness, and behavior, and practices, for those blindly spell resources spell input, and first pollution Hou governance, and heavy city light rural, and heavy efficiency light fair, one-sided development, and deformity development of problem, insisted liberation thought, and times, set on new development concept of consciously confidence, do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, aness, for belief lack, and faith missing, and spirit deficiency %um\em, root, and guben culture Yua共 4 页 acy, upgrade using party of theory innovation results observation and analysis problem of capacity, keep on Marx doctrine and Communist of firm belief, and on China features Socialist of firm faith, strengthened purposes consciousness, and practice line mass line, put ideal faith reflected to slim sets, and for political with right, and officer venture of aspects, Lofty ideals and the common ideal of exemplary practitioner. Clearly oppose and reject Western constitutional democracies, %ues\neo-liberalism, the historical nihilism and questioned reform and opening up and building soci第 5 页 cteristics, such as erroneous. (2) lead to strict political discipline and rules. For political Shang of liberalism, not seriously implement implementation central decision deployment, not seriously actual implement implementation party of route approach policy, major problem important matters not asked not report, for dangmianyitao set, and Dang \des people\sciplinary make \nd\clique, and make mission groups guy, problem, seriously 负责人签字:

hat road\of fuzzy awaren, to upgrade Marx doctrine theory literalism with Chinese charand advance shared. On