2009年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷实务(A)及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2009年全国外贸业务员考试外贸业务基础理论试卷实务(A)及答案更新完毕开始阅读fce45459312b3169a451a43d

charges, storage, stevedore charges and all other necessary expenses required for the custody and protection of the rejected goods.

B. Devaluate the goods according to the degree of inferiority, extent of damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyer.

C. Replace the defective goods with new ones, which conform to the specifications, quality as stipulated in this contract, and bear all expenses incurred and direct losses sustained by the Buyer.


All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case should then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, in accordance with the “Provisional Rules of Procedures of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade”. The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part. Or the arbitration may be settled in the third country mutually agreed on by both parties.

2009年全国外贸业务员考试 外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷)答案

一、出口报价核算与发盘操作题(共15分) 1. 共7分




国内费用=1600÷200+444.60×2÷12×6.93%+444.60×5%=35.365元/条(1分) 国外运费=480÷200=2.40欧元/条(1分)

预期出口利润=采购成本×成本利润率=444.60×20%=88.92元/条(1分) FOB=(425.6+35.365+88.92) ÷10.60=51.88欧元/条(1分) CFR=51.88+2.40=54.28欧元/条(1分)

注:如果以上每个公式正确,计算错误可得0.5分 2. 共8分 Dear Sir, Thanks for your inquiry on June 16,2008. (0.5分)Our offer(0.5分) is as follows: ①Bullet Proofing Tires Art. No.205/55R16, 205/60R15. (1分) ②Unit price: EUR53.02/pc CFR Hamburg. (1分) ③Minimum Order Quantity(0.5分) is 100 pcs/article(0.5分); the unit price in the total order quantity from 400pcs to 800pcs will be given 3% discount, (0.5分)the unit price in the total order quantity over 800pcs will be given 5% discount.

外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷) 第9页 (共14页)

(0.5分) ④Packing:one piece per polybag(0.5分) ⑤ Payment: By L/C at sight(0.5分) ⑥ Shipment: Order Quantity Time of Shipment Less than 400pcs within 45 days after the receipt of L/C(0.5分) From 400pcs to 800pcs Within 60 days after the receipt of L/C(0.5分) More than 800pcs within 75 days after the receipt of L/C(0.5分) This offer is valid subject to your reply here by June 27, 2008. (0.5分) Awaiting your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Rong 二、签订出口合同操作题(共15分) Commodity & Quantity Unit Price Amount Specification (1) Bullet Proofing Tires (2) (3)CFR Hamburg, Germany(4) Art. No.205/55R16 200pcs (1分) EUR10000.00 Art. No.205/60R15(1分) 200pcs(1分) EUR50.00/pc EUR10000.00(1分) EUR50.00/pc(1分) Total 400pcs EUR20000.00 Total Contract Value: (5) EURO DOLLARS TWENTY THOUSAND ONLY. (1分) PACKING: (6)8 pieces per wooden cases (1分) TIME OF SHIPMENT :

(7) within 45 days after the receipt of L/C (1分) PORT OF LOADING AND DESTINATION:

(8) From Shanghai, China(1分) to Hamburg,Germany (1分) Transshipment is(9) allowed (1分) and partial shipment is(10) not allowed


INSURANCE: Covered by the Buyer.

TERMS OF PAYMENT: (11)By Letter of Credit at sight(1分), reaching the seller

before July 30, 2008 (1分)and remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the effected shipment. (1分)

三、出口履约操作题(共20分) 1.9分 改证意见: 1.最迟装运日期错误,(0.5分)应改为收到信用证后45天。(0.5分) 2.信用证的效期错误,(0.5分)应改为最迟装运日期后的15天。(0.5分) 3.信用证的付款方式错误,(0.5分)应改为议付。(0.5分) 4.汇票的付款期限错误,(0.5分)应改为见票即付。(0.5分) 5.禁止转运错误,(0.5分)应改为允许转运。(0.5分) 6.运费到付FREIGHT COLLECT错误,(0.5分)应改为FREIGHT PREPAID。(0.5分)

外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷) 第10页 (共14页)

7.保险加成错误,(0.5分)应该为110%。(0.5分) 8.受益人证明要求1份正本提单直接寄开证申请人不合理,(0.5分)改为寄副本提单。(0.5分) 9.交单期错误,(0.5分)根据合同规定,应为装运日期后15天内交单。(0.5分) 2.改证函(7分) Dear Sir, We are pleasure to receive your L/C No. YU9870 issued by Bank of China, Hamburg Branch. (0.5分) But we find that it contains some discrepancies with S/C No. JSRC080076. (0.5分) Please instruct the issuing bank to amend the L/C A.S.A.P. (0.5分)The L/C should be amended as follows: (0.5分) 1) Under field 31D, the date of expiry amends to “DATE 080928.” (0.5分) 2) Under field 41D, the method of payment is “BY NEGOTIATION” instead of “BY DEFERRED PAYMENT”. (0.5分) 3) Under field 42C, the tenor of draft is “AT SIGHT” instead of “AT 60 DAYS AFTER B/L DATE”. (0.5分) 4) Under field 43C, the latest date of shipment amends to 080913. (0.5分) 5) Under field 43P, the transshipment should be allowed not prohibited. (0.5分) 6) Under field 46A, the amount insured in Insurance Policy is “110% OF INVOICE VALUE”not“140% OF INVOICE VALUE”. (0.5分) 7) Under field 46A, in Bill of Lading clause, FREIGHT COLLECT should be amended to FREIGHT PREPAID. (0.5分) 8) Under field 46A, in Beneficiary’s Certificate clause, ONE ORIGINAL OF BILL OF LADING amends to ONE COPY OF BILL OF LADING. (0.5分) 9) Under field 48, the period of presentation amends to “WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SHIPMENT, BUT WITHIN THE VALIDITY OF THIS CREDIT.” (0.5分) Thank you for your kind cooperation. Please see to it that L/C amendment reach us not later than August 8, 2008(该日期可以前后几天). Failing which we shall not be able to effect shipment. (0.5分) Waiting for your reply soon. Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Li Rong 3.报关时江苏镕术有限公司需向海关提供的特殊单据包括出口收汇核销单(1分)和出境货物通关单(1分),因为该轮胎的监管证件代码为B(1分),所以出口报关时需提供出境货物通关单。(1分)



=(680×0.07+540÷6000×6.84)÷(1-110%×0.2%) =48.322元/瓶(1分)

FOB进口价格=680×0.07=47.6元/瓶 国外保费=FOB进口价格×110%×0.2%=47.6×110%×0.2%=0.105元/瓶 国外运费=540÷6000×6.84=0.616元/瓶 CIF=FOB+I+F=47.6+0.105+0.616=48.321元/瓶

外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷) 第11页 (共14页)





=(48.322+4.832)÷(1-20%) =66.443元/瓶(66.441元/瓶)(1分)

③进口消费税=进口消费税的完税价格×进口消费税率+进口商品净重×从量税率(1分) =66.443×20%+0.72×0.912×1=13.945元/瓶(不影响)(1分) ④进口增值税=进口增值税的完税价格×进口增值税率(1分)

⑤实缴增值税=国内销售价格÷(1+增值税率)×增值税率-进口增值税(1分) 进口增值税+实缴增值税=国内销售价格÷(1+增值税率)×增值税率(1分) =117÷(1+17%)×17%=17元/瓶(不影响)(1分)


进口费用=4.832+13.945+17+0.105+0.616+(1500+2700+3000)÷6000=37.698元/瓶 (3)整理得,进口利润=国内销售价格-进口价格CIF-进口费用

=117-48.322-36.977 =31.701元/瓶(1分)

进口利润=国内销售价格-进口价格FOB-进口费用 =117-47.6-37.698 =31.702元/瓶 (4)预期销售利润率=进口利润÷国内销售价格=31.701÷117=27.09%(1分)

预期销售利润率=进口利润÷国内销售价格=31.702÷117=27.10% 2.The buyer will pay to the seller 50% of the contract value(0.5分) by T/T (1分)within 10 days after the contract date, (1分) and 50% of the contract value (0.5分)by L/C at sight, (1分)reaching the seller before Dec. 7, 2008. (1分) 五、进口订舱和接货操作(共15分)


订舱委托书 2008年12月5日

托 运 人 收 货 人 SUCA CO.,LTD. NO.35 KINOWA STREET, TOKYO JAPAN(1分) 货运编号 运输方式 启运港 目的港 GL0889076 BY SEA TOKYO(1分) SHANGHAI(1分) ZHEJIANG GUOLI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO. LTD. NO.18, YAN’AN ROAD, HANGZHOU 可否转运 NO CHINA(1分) 可否分批 NO 通 ZHE JIANG GUOLI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO. LTD. 运费支付方式 COLLECT(1分) 知 NO.18, YAN’AN ROAD, HANGZHOU 人 CHINA(1分) 正本提单 THREE 唛 头 货 名 包装件数 总 毛 重 总体积 8000KGS(1分) N/M SHOCHU(1分) 1000CTNS(1分) 18M(1分) 3

外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷) 第12页 (共14页)

注 1.请订2008年12月15日船期,1×20GP FCL,门到门。 意 2.装运港联系人:Miss Julie 联系电话:0081-03-35058812 事 项 受托人: 委托人: 电话: 传 真: ZHEJIANG GUOLI IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD. 0571-8518789电话: 0571-85187898 传真: 9 联系 联系人: 崔政 人: 2. 崔政该用电放提单(1分)和电放保函(1分)去换取提货单;需要办理进口报检,(1分)因为该商品的监管证件代码有A,即入境货物通关单;(1分)需在入境前或入境时办理进口报检。(1分)

六、处理进口争议操作(共15分) 1.不能,(1分)因为根据UCP600的规定,信用证结算方式下,银行处理的是单据,而不是货物。(1分)





第一步:与出口商协商,要求其退款并赔偿相应的损失;(1分) 第二步:若该清酒能在国内销售,(1分)则可要求退还差价并赔偿相应的损失;(1分) 第三步:与出口商协商,要求其补货并赔偿相应的损失;(1分) 第四步:若协商未果,(1分)根据合同,(1分)向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会申请仲裁。(1分)

外贸业务操作实务试卷(A卷) 第13页 (共14页)