外研版必修22020年新高考英语一轮复习Module2NoDrugs学案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章外研版必修22020年新高考英语一轮复习Module2NoDrugs学案更新完毕开始阅读fcee69a383c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f572725d5

Module 2 No Drugs



Ⅰ.阅读词汇——在不认识的词汇前划√ drug n. cancer n. needle n. horrible adj. café n. jogging n. Ⅱ.核心词汇——写其形 1.reduce vt. 2.nearby adj. 3.likely adj. 4.adult n. 5.ban vt. 6.recognise vt. Ⅲ.拓展词汇——通其变

1.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子→addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的→__addicted adj.上瘾的;成瘾的→addiction n.瘾;入迷;嗜好

2.danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的→endanger vt.使遭受危险,危及 3.crime n.罪行;犯罪行为→criminal n.罪犯 4.connect v.联系→connection n.联系;关系;关联 5.illegal adj.违法的;不合法的→legal adj.合法的 6.treat v.治疗;对待→treatment n.治疗

7.disagree vi.不同意;意见不合→disagreement n.不同意;争执 8.affect vt.影响;对……有坏影响→effect n.影响

9.power n.权力→powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的→powerless adj.无力的

减少;缩减 附近的 可能的 成人 禁止

认识;认知;认出 cigarette n. inject vt. burglary n. participant n. leaflet n. gymnastic adj.

1.皆有“可能” ①likely adj. ②possible adj.


可能的 可能的

③probable adj. ④perhaps adv. ⑤maybe adv. 2.-ible结尾形容词一览 ①horrible ②terrible ③accessible ④sensible ⑤flexible ⑥digestible

3.“前缀en-+adj./n.”构成的动词全扫描 ①danger→endanger ②able→enable ③large→enlarge ④sure→ensure ⑤rich→enrich

(二)重点短语——记牢用活 1.related__to 2.break__into 3.belong__to

4.become__addicted__to 5.take__one’s__advice 6.in__order__to/so__as__to 7.give__up 8.in__danger

很可能的 可能,大概 也许,大概

令人不快的 可怕的 易接近的 明智的 易弯曲的 可消化的

使……遭遇危险 使能够 使扩大 确保;担保 使充实

有关系的;有关联的 破门而入;强行闯入 属于

对……上瘾;沉迷于 听某人的意见 为了…… 戒除;放弃 处于危险之中

1.无被动语态的动词短语小结 ①belong to ②date from/back to ③consist of ④come true ⑤take place ⑥break out

属于 追溯到 由……组成 变成现实 发生 爆发


2.“be+v.-ed+prep.”短语联想 ①be related to ②be accustomed to ③be devoted to ④be admitted to/into ⑤be absorbed in ⑥be concerned about 3.“in+n.”短语荟萃 ①in danger ②in pain ③in trouble ④in debt ⑤in doubt ⑥in relief


句型公式 句型1:现在分词短语作伴随状语 句型2:couldn’t/can’t...more意为“不能再……”,表示最高级含义 句型3:whatever引导让步状语从句 教材原句 Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping__others__to__stop taking drugs. 现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助别人戒毒。 I couldn’t__agree__more. 我完全同意。/我再同意不过了。 Whatever__you’re__doing when you want to smoke—do something else! 无论你在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧! 二、语境强化训练 Ⅰ.语境填词——根据提示写出该词的适当形式 A.根据汉语提示写出下列单词

1.Studies show that people are more likely(可能的) to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.

2.We stopped at the nearby(附近的) shop to buy some drinks before climbing the mountain.

3.Unless you respect other people’s religions, horrible(极讨厌的) mistakes and conflicts will occur.


有关系的;有关联的 习惯于 致力于 被接纳;被录取 全神贯注于 为……担忧

处于危险之中 处于痛苦中 处于困境中 负债 不能肯定的 如释重负

4.In the largest room about a dozen children and seven adults(成人) are sitting on the carpet.

5.Tom always goes jogging(慢跑) in the morning and he usually does push-ups to stay in shape.


6.Being recognised in public has brought her much trouble, so she is always wearing dark glasses to avoid recognition.(recognise)

7.As the company was declining, the number of employees in the company reduced(reduce) from 120 to 80.

8.Traffic problems have severely affected(affect) the economic development. 9.According to a report, cigarette smoking has been banned(ban) in all indoor public places in China already.

10.In terms of studying, I prefer to study in the library because there are many distractions(distraction) at home.


1.(2019·北京卷)Those kinds of changes could affect the food chain.影响 2.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)It turns out that just looking at green, growing things can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and put people into a better mood(情绪).减少

3.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six are stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.公认的;已知的

4.(2018·浙江卷6月)Among the bag makers’ arguments: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. 禁令


die from; look up; break into; belong to; become addicted to; put up; break the law

Li Hua 1.belongs__to Class Two. He 2.became__addicted__to computer games last year. He 3.broke__into a house one day to get the money for games, and then he was arrested. Li Hua regretted that he had 4.broken__the__law and decided to get rid of the bad habit. Now he is a good student in our school.

give up; set a date; in pain; be related to; in danger; in order to; take one’s advice