九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Lesson59 Keep Your Choices Open教学设计(新版)冀教版 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章九年级英语下册 Unit 10 Lesson59 Keep Your Choices Open教学设计(新版)冀教版 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读fd3c2bcf03020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c9bc

Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open

课题名称 科目 课时安排 一.教材内容分析 本课是一篇歌曲课,内容主要是关于职业的选择取向,以及通过这首歌曲让学生知道“知识可以改变命运,接受教育可以使他们的选择更加宽广”,从而使学生形成热爱学习的好习惯。 Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open 英语 教学对象 一课时 九年级 二.教学目标 Language Knowledge Language Skills Words Topic Listening Speaking Reading Writing 学习策略 Ss will be able to use the words: merchant Students will know what to do to have more choices. And they will be able to sing the song. Students will be able to learn the song by listening. Students will be able to get information while listening. Students will be able to talk about the jobs in English. Students can guess the meaning of a new word about jobs. They can write about their friends future jobs. 1. 在学习中积极思考,主动探究,善于发现语言的规律。 2. 能总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并举一反三(依据构词法猜测词义)。 3. 善于抓住用英语交际的机会。 1. 在学习中敢于用英语来表达自己的看法。 2. 培养学习英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。 3. 在学习中乐于接触英语歌曲。 1. Master the words and structures in this lesson. 2. Learn how to express their ideas about choosing jobs. 3. Make the students be able to sing the song. To express their ideas about choosing jobs 情感态度 Teaching important points Teaching difficult points Make the students be able to sing the song. 三.教学策略选择与设计 本课是一篇歌曲课,仍然以学生谈论未来生活的话题为主线贯穿整个教学,在本课中遵循以学生自主学习为主的教学原则,设计了听、说、读、写的训练,使学生在老师的逐步引导下,先根据自身的认识来谈论话题,再学习文本中的观点,然后调查讨论,把学到的知识加以运用,从而使知识逐渐内化为综合运用语言的能力。 四.教学环境及设备,资源准备 1. a blackboard 2. PowerPoint 五.教学环节 Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Aim of design Time

Step 1: Warming up and Leading in 1. Before class, play a graduation song for them. 2. T: This is a graduation song in English. What other graduation songs do you know? 3. T: Today, let’s learn a song like this: Keep Your Choices Open. 1. Ss listen to the song. 2. If they know some, they can say any of them. (If necessary, they can tell in Chinese.) 1. S1: I will consider if I can help others. … S1: Yes, I do. Because I want to help others. S2: No, I don’t. I don’t want to be tired. 2. S1: He is a businessman. / boss. 3. Ss read and choose. Then check the answer 1. Lead into 2’ this new lesson quickly. 2. Enjoy an English song for graduation. 1. To learn 5’ the new word: merchant 2. To improve their reading and speaking skills. 3. To help them know how to choose a job. Step 2 1. T: When you choose, what New words. will you consider? Money? Whether help others or not? T: Do you want to work for the government? 2. T: What about this one? He is a professor. … T: What is the man in Picture 2? Then tell them or we can say he is a merchant. 3. Show them the words. Ask the students to read and choose the best right description. Step 3 Listening 1. T: Let’s listen and find 1. Ss listen. out what jobs are in the song. Ss tell the jobs they hear: pilot, professor, merchant, farmer 1. To practice 2’ listening skills. 2. To know about the whole song for the first time. 1. To summarize the words about jobs. 2. To learn some words. 3. To improve their reading skills. 1. To do a thing with English. 2. To improve 5’ Step 4 Dig in 1. T: What jobs can you think of now? This table may help you. 2. Ask the students to have a summary about them. 3. Teacher shows them one new word for each group, and asks the students to guess the meaning. 1. Teacher tells them the rule: T: There are so many jobs. What do you want to be in the future? You can choose a list of them. But please tell us the reason. Please ask your 1. Ss tell as many jobs as they can. 2. T: They are all words about jobs. And they all add some letters behind them. (Speak Chinese if necessary) 3. Ss guess the meanings of each word. 1. Ss finish the survey with the dialogue: --What do you want to be in the future? --I might be a pilot, a teacher or … Step 5 A survey 5’

friends and fill in the form. --Why? 2. Encourage the students to --Because they are exciting. make a speech. I like exciting jobs. 2. S1: Hello. My friend Tony may decide to be a pilot, a teacher or a scientist. Because he likes exciting jobs. My friend Joe … … Step 6 Listening and singing 1. T: You have so many choices. But what keeps your choices open? 2. Show them the sentences one by one. And encourage them to tell their ideas about each one. T: Please read it. What do you think of it? Do you agree with it? 3. T: Let’s listen and find out which ones are in the song. 4. Ask the students to listen to the song and sing with it. 1. T: There are some more ideas. Now let’s fill in the blanks. 2. Help the students to have a summary about the topic. 1. S1: Education. 2. S1: Study hard, you will do well. I agree with it. I think if you want to do well, you should study hard. … 3. Ss listen and tick. Then check. 4. Ss listen and sing with the song until they can sing it. the students’ speaking skill. 5 1. To talk about the ideas about life. 2. To improve their speaking and listening skills. 4. To prepare for the writing. 1’ 3’ 5’ Step 7 exercise and summary 1. Ss do exercise. 1. To check Then check one by one. 2. To summarize 2. We can write about all our dreams and reasons. And how can we keep our choices open. 2’ 1’ Step 8 Writing Step 9 Ending 1. T: Now, you need to write 1. Ss write about your future. You can write anything you like. 2. Ss show. Let them enjoy the song and try to learn it. 1. To improve 8’ their writing skills. To know more 1’ about English The design of the blackboard: Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open decide—decision exciting choose—choice merchant jobs reasons help others --er --or choices --ian --ist education do well in school study hard