2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解专题9M字部 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解专题9M字部更新完毕开始阅读fd685ab4a36925c52cc58bd63186bceb18e8edf0

专题九 M字部

1. magic


关联词组:magic trick魔术;magic art魔术;巫术;as if by magic/like magic不可思议地;像魔术一般;magic words/spell咒语,魔咒

用法:名词magic可以引申为“魔力,魅力”,常与介词of搭配。例如: the magic of Christmas圣诞节的魔力

词性转换:magical adj.魔术的;有魔力的;magically adv.用魔法地;魔法般地;magician n.魔术师,变戏法的人

(2019,湖南卷,阅读B)Severus Snape is a skillful wizard(巫师)teaching magic in Harry Potter. 2. main


关联词组:main body主体;main reason主要原因;main part主要部分;main idea主旨,主要意思;main street大街;main force主力(军);main purpose主要目的;main road主路;main course主菜 用法:main一般只放在名词前面。例如:

The main reason for living in Spain is the weather.居住在西班牙的主要原因是天气。 词性转换:mainly adv.主要地,大体上;

近义词:important adj.重要的;key adj.关键的,至关重要的;central adj.中央的,至关重要的


26. Sally’s story mainly tells us that . A. winning a race is important B. fishing brings us a lot of fun C. driving experience is necessary D. learning happens during the process 3. manage



1manage表示“管理,负责(生意,企业,部门)”,相当于control: ○

The company had been very badly managed.公司管理非常糟糕。

2manage表示“设法做成,努力完成(困难的事)”,相当于succeed,常用于manage to do sth.结构:○ I finally managed to push the huge animal away.我终于把这个庞大的动物推走了。 3manage表示○“成功应付(难题),对付过去”,是不及物动词,与deal with相近,后面常接with/without: How do you manage without a washing machine?没有洗衣机你怎么对付? 词性转换:management n.管理;manager n.经理;管理者

(2019,北京卷,完形) I was busy preparing in the following week. My plan wasn’t to make promises to do things I couldn’t ___14___ but to show my class why I wanted to be president.


14. A. compare B. remember C. manage D. repeat 4. marry


用法:marry可作及物动词,表示“娶/嫁”,可作不及物动词,表示“结婚”;在口语中经常用Would you

marry me?来向某人求婚。例如:

I’m going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine’s Day.我打算在情人节向她求婚。

People in higher social classes are more likely to marry late.社会阶层较高的人士倾向于晚婚。 词性转换:married adj.已婚的:get married结婚;marriage n.婚姻(生活),结婚

(2019,重庆卷,阅读C)Before long, they got married and moved to the old house where they first met.

5. master


master作动词,表示“掌握,精通(语言,技能)”:master a new language掌握一门新语言 master作名词有多重含义,可表示:

1“能手,擅长……者”,常接搭配of sth./at doing sth.:a master of short story短篇小说大师 ○

2“主人,雇主”,与仆人相对:They lived in fear of their master.他们惧怕主人,提心吊胆地过日○


3“硕士,硕士学位”:a Master of Arts/Science文科╱理科硕士 ○

词性转换:mastery n.掌握,精通

(2019,山西卷,词语运用)Together, the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience. 6. match




The doors were painted blue to match the walls.门漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。 None of these glasses match (= they are all different).这些杯子没有能配对儿的。 match作名词:

1可取动词的含义,表示“相配/称的人或物;敌手”,常用搭配有a match for sb.=sb’s match某人的○

敌手,旗鼓相当者;no match for sb.不是某人的对手

2可表示“比赛,竞赛”:football/basketball match足球/篮球比赛;win/lose a match赢得/输掉比○赛

3可表示“火柴”:strike a match划火柴;a box of matches一盒火柴 ○

词性转换:matching adj.相配(称)的,一致的;matchless adj.无比的,无敌的 同义词:game/competition n.比赛,竞赛

(2019,山东卷,阅读B)They believe they will never match him.


7. mean



1mean表示“意思是”,后面要接宾语或that从句: ○

This light means (that) you’re running low on fuel.这个灯亮说明汽油不多了。 2mean还可用来表示“意欲,打算”,相当于intend,常用语mean to do sth.的结构: ○

I didn’t mean to upset you.我并不是要让你伤心。

词性转换:meaning n.意思,含义;meaningful adj.有意义的;意味深长的;meaningless adj.无意义的

(2019,北京卷,阅读C)This means living through our senses rather than through our thoughts. 8. medical


关联词组:medical treatment治疗,医疗;medical service医疗服务;medical care医疗护理;medical science医学科学;medical school医学院;medical examination健康检查

词性转换:medically adv.医学上地;医药上地;medicine n.药;药学:take the medicine吃药,服药

(2019,江苏卷,阅读填空)Medical evidence also supports the idea that each person has a body clock that helps to decide his or her sleep pattern. 9. meet




1“(偶然地)相遇,遇见”:Maybe we'll meet again some time.说不定我们什么时候还会再见面的。 ○

2“(正式场合)开会,会晤”,或“(非正式)会面,集会”。例如: ○

The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks.首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。 Let's meet for a drink after work.下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧。

词性转换:meeting n.会议;会见;集会:meeting room会议室;have/hold a meeting召开/举行会议

(2019,北京卷,阅读C)We can give ourselves new challenges, meet new people, and expose our minds to new information, hobbies and skills. 10. member


关联词组:team/group member队(组)员;party/family member党员/家庭成员

用法:member即可指人,也可指物,尤其可指“成员国”:a member state/country/nation会员国,成员国

关联单词:membership n.成员资格;会员身分



64. In America, 95% of pet owners think of their animals as family ____________.(member)

11. memory


关联词组:in memory of…纪念……;from memory根据记忆;computer memory计算机内存 用法:

1memory (for sth.)表示“记忆力,记性”: ○

She has a terrible memory for names.她记名字很不行。 2常用memories表示“记忆,回忆”: ○

He has lots of happy memories of his stay in Japan.他对在日本逗留的那段时光有许多美好的回忆。 3memory还可以指计算机领域的“存储器/存储量”:128 Mb of memory 128M的存储量 ○

词性转换:memoris(z)e v.记住,背熟;memorial adj.记忆的;纪念的,追悼的;memorable adj.难忘的;值得纪念的

(2019,山东卷,阅读B)Because he grew up hearing so many fascinating memories about Africa from his parents, he went there and lived with the people called The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. 12. mention


关联词组:not to mention更不必说;at the mention of一提起…… 动词用法:

1mention sth. (to sb.):Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.没人跟我提过这事儿。 ○

2mention +that从或/wh-从句:Did she mention where she was going?她有没有说起她要去哪儿? ○

3Don’t mention it.在口语中用于别人道谢时回答,表示“不客气” ○


He made no mention of his wife’s illness.他没有提起他妻子生病的事。


24. According to Paragraph 1, cakes and ice-cream are mentioned to describe ____________. A. the birth of chickens B. the difference between them C. the use of eggs D. the way of keeping them 13. message


关联词组:leave a message留言;take a message捎口信,带口信;send a message发信息;get a message

收到信息;short message短讯;text message(手机)短信息


There’s a message from Karen on the answerphone.电话答录机里有卡伦的留言。 I have an urgent message for you.我有一条紧急消息要告诉你。 词性转换:messenger n.报信者,送信者
