2020高考英语三模前书面表达专题练03(学生版)三年真题研读专练 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020高考英语三模前书面表达专题练03(学生版)三年真题研读专练更新完毕开始阅读fd81c7d4a7c30c22590102020740be1e640ecc23




81.请阅读下面短文, 并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

You may not have noticed it, but every time you are very hungry, you tend to get angry much more easily and for no reason. You are getting “hungry”, which is “the phenomenon whereby some people get short-tempered when they’re longing for a feed”, CNN noted.

According to Health, the lower blood sugar stops the brain from working properly. As a result, we may feel ineffective and angry.

What we eat will provide the nutrients for our bloodstream. Then they are given to our organs and tissues and used for energy.

But if we are hungry, the nutrients will drop rapidly. And if they drop enough, our brain will think that it is in a life-threatening situation and cannot focus on its job. So you will find it’s hard to work or study efficiently and keep a peaceful mind.

Scientists advise to “carry healthy snacks with you---like fruit, and yogurt---so that when you are hungry, they will hold you over until the next meal.”



2.用120个左右的单词来发表你的观点,内容包括:谈谈你如何看待吃零食的现象,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。 【写作要求】

1.写作过程中不可直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 【评分标准】






Parents often notice a return of the “terrible twos” when their children enter adolescence, who are struggling to be independence, but they lack the language needed to express the complexity of their emotions, and then comes the seemingly automatic response of “No!” or “That’s not fair!” when asked to do anything by parents. It seems as if our current society both reflects and encourage these behaviors, as media often shows rude teenage stars get a laugh from their rude words aimed at adults.

Parents who are concerned about stopping their teens’ independence, worried about involving in a power struggle that they might not be able to win, or just feeling helpless in the face of the teens’ strongly expressed emotions, may simply give up when their children refused to do what is asked.

It’s important for parents to understand that teenagers do not have the same control of their impulses(冲动) that adults do. Parents need to provide support and guidance. Part of providing such support and guidance is setting clear limits on what kind of behavior will be tolerated, and what results exist for the behavior that is not allowed. 【写作内容】

1.用约 30个单词概括上文的主要内容;

2.用约 120个单词就与父母顶嘴的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括: ①青少年与父母顶嘴的原因;

②顶嘴所带来的影响:作为中学生,我们应该怎样克服顶嘴的习惯? 【写作要求】

1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 【评分标准】






Again, my doorbell rings happily at 11 a.m. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady; she is small and slight, and she’s holding the hand of a little boy. In her other hand, she holds a paper carrier bag.

I know this lady. It is by no means her first visit. She is the little boy’s grandmother, and her daughter bought the house next door last October. My visitor’s daughter, Nicole(who speaks fluent English), is currently in Shanghai, but her parents are in Vancouver for the summer with the little boy. Nicole has told her mother that I am having heart surgery shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided I need to be supplied with meals. I know what is inside the paper carrier bag—a thermos with hot soup and a stainless-steel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicken, meat or shrimp, sometimes with a kind of pancake. This has become an almost daily occurrence.

She doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Mandarin is hello. So here we are, two grandmothers a world away from where we were raised, neither of us able to speak the other’s language but communicating one way or another (with some help from technology). The doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar brown paper carrier bag, handed smilingly to me by her.

I’m working on some more Mandarin words. “Thank you” is, of course, the first one. Somehow, it seems inadequate. 【写作内容】


2.结合上述信息,用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括: ①谈谈你对这个温暖的小故事的看法;

②假设你出国学习,怎样才能与邻居进行更好的交流(不少于两点)? 【写作要求】

1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 【评分标准】

