仁爱版七年级英语下册第五单元测试卷 联系客服

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It's Friday

A What time B What day C When 40 What class are they having ? They are having an class A English B Chinese C history 41 What time the sports meeting over? A are B is C does 42 I enjoy computer games A to play B playing C play 43 Jim is a book under the tree

A reading B watching C looking D seeing 44 Look, this coat is nice,

A Why not try on it B Why not try it on C Why not trying it on 45What time the English class begin、 A do B does C is

46They are having an art class .,They are A drawing pictures B singing and dancing 47 do you think of the movie ? It's very interesting .I want to see it again A How B what C When D Where 48 What do you English、 It's too difficult

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A think B think of C like

49 Here is a letter you A in B to C from D for 50 Thank you for her A help B helping C to help 51 Mike can't his pen .And we are it A look for;find B finds;looking for C find;looking 52 does Maria meet her friends?Seldom A How long B How often C What time 53 My teachers me

A are friendly to B is friendly to C are friendly for 54 The girl English her classmates

A speaks also ;with B speak also; with C also speaks; with 55 Those are your socks .Please A put on it B put on them C put them on

56 do you usually do on weekends?I play basketball A When B What C How

57 What are you ? I'm my English book A looking for;finding B doing;looking for C doing;finding 58 He is very tired.You'd better A not to wake him up B not wake him up C wake him up 59 the fourth day in a week ?

A Thursday B Friday C Wednesday

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根据汉语提示完成句子 1 你也一样 2吃午饭的时间到了 3你通常怎样到学校? 4李英是坐飞机去的北京吗? 5Sally Green 经常步行去上班 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1 How about (go)to school by subway today? 2 Maria usually (go) to school on foot 3The early bird (catch) the worm 4How does Jim usually (go) to school? 5 Let me (tell) you the way to the school

6 Lily often helps her parents (do) some housework 7 Do you want to go (swim) 8 Please come and (watch) the game 9 A few (girl) are singing under the trees 10 Don't (swim) in rivers!

11 Here (be) my good friends from China

12 How many history (lesson)do you have every week? 13 A lot of (sheep) are eating grass on the hill 14 They are (have) a music class

15 Please pay more (attention) to your handwriting

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16 Lily (wish) to be a teacher句型转换 1 I often help my mother.(改为一般疑问句)

2 He usually goes to the park by bike (对划线部分提问) 3 They usually walk to school (用she做主语改写句子) 4 Mr.Li often drives a car to work (改写同义句) 5 Do you usually come here by bus ?(改写同义句) 6 I'm doing my homework now(对划线部分提问)

7We often play soccer on the playground after school(改为一般疑问句) 8 School is over at about 3:50 p.m(对划线部分提问)

9We have one math lesson every day(对划线部分提问10 They have a geography lesson on Friday (对划线部分提问) 用适当的介词填空

1 His sister often goes work bus

2 My father usually gets up 6:00 the morning 3 It's a fine day a walk 4 Where are you going? Xinjiang 5 Mary comes home foot 6 They usually have lunch school 7 We can read books our school library