新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第一册练习答案 联系客服

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Unit 1 Traces of the past

Listening to the world Sharing

2. 1) busy 2)friends 3) university 4) social life 3. AEBDCF

4. 1) danced 2) view of the river 3) fun 4) drink 5) west 6) delicious meal 7) house 8) television Listening

2. 1) 1962 2) fourth 3) 1990 4) 1996

3. 1) teacher 2) cleaned houses 3) lost 4) visited 5) work 6) his wife 7) in his own words Viewing

1. 1) A famous ballet dancer 2) Havana 3) His home country, family and childhood.

2. a c h f d e g b

Speaking for communication Role-play

1. Isabel went for a walk with her boyfriend while Marek played football and cleaned his flat.

2. 1) It was great. 2) He’s a football player. 3) It was really beautiful. 3. 1, 3, 5, 7 ,10

Further practice in listening Short conversations BABDD Long conversation DBCD Passage 1 DDBA Passage 2

1) programs 2) very 3) decisions 4) doing laundry 5) Obviously 6) choices 7) ruining 8) get used to 9) opportunities 10) step back

Unit 2 A break for fun

Listening to the world Sharing

2. 1) once a month 2) Not very often 3) once or twice 4) once a week 5) once every month 6) every fortnight

3. 1) romantic 2) great 3) recommend 4) action 5) collection 6) real life 7) scenes 8) fantastic 4. c d a b Listening

2. blonde, blue, dark, masculine

3. Woman 1: Sean Connery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith;

Man 1: Judi Dench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson 4. Speakers Height/Build Hair/Beard Eyes Woman 1 tall with a beard / Woman 2 / black hair dark brown Woman 3 / red hair / Man 1 / / grey Man 2 slim blonde hair blue Viewing 1.

1) It is a music festival

2) It is held in the Isle of Wight every September.

3) I think people can enjoy the music at the festival and have fun with their families and friends. 2. 2, 4, 6

3. 1) garden; baby and wife; 2) traditional values; like; 3) being together

Speaking for communication Role-play 1.

1) fell like 2) What do you recommend 3) how about 4) What’s it about 5) Who’s in it 6) Do you think 7) Why don’t we 2. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

Further practice in listening Short conversations DBCAD Long conversation DCBC Passage 1 ABAC Passage 2

1) comic 2) traffic 3) constantly 4) available 5) took part in

6) attracted 7) audience 8) free of charge 9) put forward 10) embrace

Unit 3 Life moments

Listening to the world Sharing 2.

1) because there’s so much to do

2) He has been to lots of interesting places but there’s always something new to experience

3) How do you feel about London? 3. A C H B G F D E

Other aspects masculine face/best-looking feminine face/good-looking/nice smile good-looking lovely/beautiful clothes/kind and intelligent lovely 4. 1) exciting 2) amazing concert 3) incredible 4) the theater 5) the best place 6) different 7) compared to 8) play football 9) interesting things 10) the best thing 11) tickets 12) culture and sport Listening

2. a d h e b g c f

3. 1) In Australia 2) Because he decided to go further after he realized he didn’t know where he was 3) Really frightened 4) Don’t move, and don’t look at the dogs 5) A tree Viewing

2. Francesco is an architect and historian. He visits the island of Crete and goes to a local wedding. 3. 2,4 4.

1) Crete is the biggest island in Greece. 2) She is a little nervous.

3) All the women in the village are helping prepare the wedding feast. 4) About 1500 people.

5) They give money as gifts.

6) There is so much to see, do and eat at the wedding. Francesco is overwhelmed by all that.

Speaking for communication Role-play 1. Whom do they call Why do they call Caller 1 A friend The caller has locked her keys in the car and calls her friend to get the spare key. Caller 2 A service person The caller has lost his credit card and calls the bank to report it. Caller 3 A stranger The caller has lost his cell phone and calls his own cell phone to see who has it. 2. 1) It’s 2) there 3) leave a message 4) call 5) speak 6) moment 7) ring 8) number 9) this 10) picking up

Further practice in listening Short conversations CCBDA Long conversation BCAD Passage 1 CABC Passage 2

1) mountainous 2) frightened 3) took place 4) vanish 5) occurred 6) massive 7) caught 8) keep us away from 9) grateful 10) in advance

Unit 4 Getting from A to B

Listening to the world Sharing

2. A: bus B: car C: walking D: walking, the tube E: bus, walking F: bike 3. 1) fresh air 2) avoid holes 3) think about 4) dream 5) looking out of the window 6) an accident 4. E F A D B C 5. B C A D F E

6. 1) by underground 2) go to school by bus 3) about an hour 4) listen to music 5) look out of the window Listening 1. B C A

5. 1) 1962 2) leave their cars at home 3) public transport 4) build 5) keep in good condition 6) 1948 7) got in and drove away 8) engineering problem 9) too heavy 10) strong 11) private 12) difficult to fly 13) traffic problem Viewing

2. 1) queuing 2) making phone calls 3) pizza 4) playing outside 5) chess 3. A: 3,5 B: 2 C: 1,6 D: 4

4. 1) airport managers 2) relax 3) pass the time 4) midnight 5) their flight 6) 300 7) 319 8) 500

5. 1) Beijing 2) terrible 3) 7 p.m. 4) a computer problem in the control tower 5) cancelled 6) another flight 7) queue/wait 8) sleeping everywhere at the airport 9) took off 10) 3 o’clock this morning

Speaking for communication Role-play

1. 1) tied up; customer 2) 20; coffee 3) delayed; cow; stations

2. 1) all right 2) mean 3) not acceptable 4) won’t 5) really 6) not my fault 3. Acceptable: 3,4,6,7

Further practice in listening Short conversations CBDDA Long conversation CBDD Passage 1 CADA Passage 2

1) Gradually 2) enabled 3) vehicles 4) dates back to 5) As a result 6) thoroughly 7) capacity 8) turn 9) automobiles 10) thanks to

Unit 5 Relax and explore

Listening to the world Sharing

2. adventure holidays, beach holidays, city breaks, activity holidays, swimming, skiing, relaxing holidays 3. 1, 4, 5, 7, 10

4. 1) relaxing 2) fantastic 3) lovely 4) Amazing 5) thoroughly enjoyed 6)