模拟演练07-2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测(解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章模拟演练07-2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读fe7082b29fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d6b8


1.Thanks to the joint efforts made by the leaders of China and the US over recent years, mutually _______ Sino-US relations have made remarkable progress. A. adaptable 【答案】B

B. beneficial

C. bureaucratic

D. accessible

2.She carefully tried to _______ religious sensitivities against democratic freedom. A. bear 【答案】B



3.China will carry out the more flexible policy of opening to the outside world on a broader scale, rather than _______ it. A. back up 【答案】D

【解析】back up支持;bargain with与……讨价还价,与……打交道;blow away吹走;back away from


4._______ in the fountain of Youth is supposed to assure beauty for ever. A. Bearing 【答案】D

【解析】bathe“沐浴”,符合语境。句意:沐浴于青春之泉被认为可以保持永久的美丽。 5.When you get involved in sports and athletes, a lot of the racial _______ are broken down. A. bargains 【答案】C



6._______ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. A. Believing 【答案】B



7.You will have to _______ the dealer if you want a discount.

B. Basing

C. Broadcasting

D. Betraying

B. benefits

C. barriers

D. blocks

B. Blowing

C. Behaving

D. Bathing

B. bargain with

C. below away

D. back away from

B. balance

C. believe

D. ban

A. bargain with 【答案】A

B. begin with C. beg for D. back up

【解析】bargain with与……讨价还价,与……打交道;begin with从……开始;beg for恳求,乞求;back up


8.We are all _______ leaders; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish. A. bored 【答案】B



9._______ is in the eye of the watcher and the same is true for both the appreciation of art and music. A. Appearance B. Beauty 【答案】B

【解析】Beauty is in the eye of the gazer/watcher.情人眼里出西施。句意:美就在观察者的眼中(情人眼里出


10.In this article, you need to _______ general statements with specific examples. A. back up B. break up 【答案】A

【解析】back up支持;bring up提出,抚养,呕吐;break up结束,(使)破碎,放假,(使)散开;blow up(使)


11.Only by bringing in new management, I guess, can we prevent our hotel _______. A. from beginning to end C. from bad to worse 【答案】C

B. from top to bottom D. from good to better

C. bring up D. blow up

C. Belief

D. Behavior

B. born

C. bare

D. brave

12.While China hasn’t _______ the travel to Korea, we have seen a decline in choosing Korea as the tourist destination. A. banned 【答案】A



13.Asthere was no bandage available, she tore off her sleeve and tied it around his wrist a little above the _______ point to save him from losing too much blood. A. boiling 【答案】D

B. boring

C. burning

D. bleeding

B. backed

C. balanced

D. bent

【解析】boiling point沸点;boring乏味的,无聊的;burning发热的;bleeding流血。句意:因为那没有绷


14.The ______ fact is that some European countries are heavily in debt, nevertheless China’s economy is generally in good shape. A. blank 【答案】B

B. bare

C. blue

D. bureaucratic

15.Knowing _______ first-aid skills, according to the expert, will help people respond effectively to emergencies. A. basis 【答案】C



16.When caught cheating in the exam, he _______ my pardon and tried to escape punishment. A. brought forth 【答案】B

【解析】bring forth产生,引起;beg for请求,乞求;bid for投标争取;blame for因……而责怪。句意:


17.On April Fools’ Day, Westerners play tricks on each other _______ the rule for the jokes: they must be fun and shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. A. on behalf of 【答案】C

【解析】on behalf of代表;on the basis of 以……为基础;at the bottom of在……的底部。没有“on the base


18.Contrary to what I had expected, Mickey Stewart, _______ the German headquarter, was doing his best to convince me not to leave. A. basing on 【答案】D

【解析】basing on根据,基于;benefitting from获益,得益于;on the basis of以……为基础;on behalf of

代表。句意:与我预料的相反,代表德国总部的Mickey Stewart尽力说服我不要离开。

19.I had trouble telling Pedro he’d lost his job. I started _______ and talking about one door closing and another door opening.

A. beating a dead horse 【答案】C

B. adding fuel to the fire D. beating the bushes

C. beating around the bush

B. benefitting from

C. on the basis of D. on behalf of

B. on the base of

C. on the basis of

D. at the bottom of

B. begged for

C. bid for D. blame for

B. born

C. basic

D. broad