(完整版)基于Java_web开发的网上商城系统毕业论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整版)基于Java_web开发的网上商城系统毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读fe9e4be3710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2af9a9ed

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基于JAVA WEB的网上商城设计与开 发

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摘 要



关键词 商城设计与开发 ; JAVA ; JAVA WEB Abstract

Therefore, this paper studies the main object is online shopping mall, online mall general business processes, and online store structure and module, the function of each module.

The article, from in the choice of development tools, and the results of the front, preliminary design (I design web pages, use Java development technology to realize the online mall), online mall of system analysis and design into the actual code stage complete, at this stage, may in front of the design basis of certain amendments or perfect.. During the development phase, I will use the spiral incremental development, a stage of the function as long as finished, then immediately testing these functions, and then into the next stage of development, and then continue to test, until all test function, and finally to the overall test the whole system to see if it comply with the design requirements.