20120720仁爱七年级下英语自修宝典 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章20120720仁爱七年级下英语自修宝典更新完毕开始阅读ff81a71d6bd97f192279e98a

The temperature is from…to…

The temperature is between…and…

7. had better do sth. 最好做某事 had better 最好 had缩写‘d

否定形式: had better not do sth.

e.g The temperature is high outside. You‘d better not go out. 8. remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(实际动作还未发生)

remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(实际动作已经发生)

e.g You must remember to close the door.你一定要记得关门(门还没有关) He remembered closing the door. 他记得关过门了(门已经关上了) 9. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事

e.g He is busy reading. be busy with sth 忙于…..

e.g They are busy with housework. (三)重要单词总结讲解: 1. 表示天气的形容词

rain------rainy cloud------cloudy snow-----snowy wind----windy sun----sunny fog----foggy 2. wear, be in 和put on

★wear穿着,戴着,强调状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时 表示暂时状态.

★be in 表示穿着的状态

e.g We wear our raincoat on a rainy day.(经常状态) Is she wearing red clothes? (暂时状态) The girl in pink is my sister.

★Put on 穿上,戴上,强调动作

e.g She put on a red coat and went out. e.g Most students are not here.

3. sunglasses/shorts/shoes/pants这些词通常都用复数形式

4. get warm 变暖和, get是系动词,后加形容词, 类似的还有get cold; get fat e.g The weather gets hot in summer.

5. rain heavily heavy rain snow heavily heavy snow

strong wind e.g The wind blows strongly. 6. last: v. 延续 e.g The meeting lasts for an hour. adi.上一个的, 最近的 last Tuesday (四)典型例题: 1 单项选择

(1)---Would you like to play soccer with me tomorrow?

---I‘m not sure. I will clean my room_____ it‘s sunny tomorrow. A. which B. if C. that

(2)---It‘s raining harder. Let‘s stand under that big tree. ---______It‘s very dangerous to do so in such weather.

A. Let‘s go B. You‘d better not C. all right (3)---How long______ the meeting______ yesterday? ---About two hours.


A. did; have B. did; last C. does; lasts D. does; has (4) When Spring Festival comes, people in China_______ presents for their good friends.

A. is busy to buy B. are busy to buy C. is busy buying D. are busy buying (5) It‘s _______,and we can make a snowman.

A. warm B. rainy C. windy D. snowy

(6) You‘d better________ football on the street. It‘s very dangerous. A. play B. to play C. not to play D. not play

(7) It‘s too hot, you need ______sunglasses, T-shirts and shorts. A. wear B. to wear C. put on D. to put on (8) It‘s fall now. It‘s _______

A. windy and sun B. wind and warm

C. cool and windy D. sun and warm 2 句型转换

(1). Sometimes it rains heavily. (同义句转换)

There is sometimes______ _______.

(2). Maria likes winter best.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______is Maria‘s_______?

(3). How was the weather in Hebei?(同义句转换) _____ ______ the weather______in Hebei?

(4). The lowest temperature is-10 C in Beijing today.(对划线部分提问)

______ _______the lowest temperature in Beijing today?

(5). In China, spring comes in March and goes on to May. (同义句转换)

In China, spring_____ ______March______May. (6). It was nice and bright yesterday. (对划线部分提问) ______ _______the weather_______ yesterday? 3. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (1). It‘s_____(sun) today.

(2). The sun shines _____(bright) (3). He_____(wear) glasses all day.

(4). It______(snow)heavily yesterday.

(5). The famers are all busy______(get) ready for the next year. (6). The weather in most______(part) of China is hot in Summer. (7). Saying a thing is very______(difference)from doing it 4. 根据题意写出单词

(1). We feel very nice. It is not too cold and not too hot. It is w______.

(2). We can see the sun in the sky. It is always shining brightly. We usually wear

light clothes such as skirt, T-shirt and so on. It is very h______. (3). There is much wind. But we don‘t feel cold. It is very______. (4). The temperature is low. It is often snows. It is very______.

Unit 8 Topic 2

(一) 重点词语


1. the summer / winter holiday 暑假;寒假 2. talk about 谈论到,谈及 3. holiday plans 假日计划 4. want to go 想去

want to do sth = would like to do sth 想做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事 plan to do sth 计划做某事 5. around the country 环绕国家

6. take pictures / photos of 给…照相

7. pass something to somebody 传递某物给某人 8. places of interest 名胜古迹

9. celebrate something with somebody 和某人一起庆祝某事 10. get together with somebody 和某人聚会在一起

11. go on a trip去旅游 go for a holiday 去度假 be on holiday = go on holiday 在度假

12. have a good time = have a great time = have a wonderful time = have a nice time = have fun 玩得很高兴

13.the Spring City 春城 14. all the year round 全年 15. the best time 最佳时间

16. enter someone‘s home 进入某人家里 17. take off your shoes 脱鞋子 18. go out 出去 go back 回去 19. point to 指着

20. eat with your left hand 用左手吃东西 21. Muslin countries 穆斯林国家

22. touch sb. on someplace 触摸某人的某个部位 23. make the OK sign 做个好了的手势 24. arrive on time 按时到达 25. a little late晚一点

26. had better do sth 最好做某事

had better not do sth 最好不做某事 27. a pair of sunglasses 一副太阳镜 28. and so on 等等 (二)重点句型

1. The summer holidays are coming. 暑假要来了。

2. I hope to get together with them. 我希望和他们在一起。 3. Each of us has a good plan for the holidays. 我们每个人都有一个很好的假期计划。 4. Can you tell me something about Yunnan? 你能告诉我一些云南的事情么?

5. It sounds really interesting and exciting. 它听起来相当有趣和令人激动。 6. Different countries have different customs. 不同的国家有不同的风俗。


7. You shouldn‘t eat with your left hand. 你不能用左手吃东西。

8. You mustn‘t point to anything with your foot. 你千万不要用脚指东西。 9. Guess what I bought for you! 猜猜我为你买了什么!

10.I hope you all have a good time. 我希望你们每个人都能过得愉快 (三)重点语法

一)一般过去时的特殊疑问句: 1. How was you trip? ---It was wonderful. 2. How did you travel there? ---By train.

3. How long were you there? ---Only five days. 4.-- Did you visit any places of interest?

--Yes, we visited Mount Emei and Jiuzhaigou. 二)情态动词should和shouldn‘t的用法: 1. What places should I visit in Yunnan? 2. You should visit Dali and Lijiang and you shouldn‘t miss Xishuangbanna. 3. When you enter someone‘s home, you should take off your shoes. (四)交际用语:谈论旅游和风俗 1. Where do you want to go ?

2. Who would you like to travel with? 3. How was your trip? --It was wonderful. 4. What‘s the best time to go there? 5. How did you travel there? --By train. 6. How long were you there? --Only five days. 7. Different countries have different customs. 8. When you travel in other countries, you‘d better know the customs of those countries.

(五)典型练习题 一)词组互译:

1.脱下___________ 2. 不同的国家_________

3.指着某物________ 4. 与… …不同________ 5. The customs of those countries________ 6. go out with their hair wet ________

7. mustn‘t = 汉意________ 8. places of interest ______ 9. shouldn‘t= 汉意______ 10. passs sth to sb_____ 二) 用should \\shouldn‘t 填空

1 . It‘s hot today, you ______take more clothes. 2. It‘s seven o‘clock , we______ go to school.

3. There are more and more clouds, you ______ take an umbrella. 4. If you go to Yunnan , you _____miss Lijiang.

5. When you travel in other countries, you_________ know the customs of these